Thursday, December 10, 2009

I have been blogging a lot about time recently. The need for more, the lack of enough, the feeling as though it is going WAY too fast.

Chris and I have been pretty overwhelmed this semester. For the last month and a half or so we've been talking and deciding on ways we are going to cut back. Prioritize. This is difficult for me, not only because I have so many passions and interests, but because I want to be able to serve well and be a good mom and serve my family well. It's very tough to do both and to have to sometime not be as good about doing one or the other.

There were a few things we decided to cut back on that I was a little anxious about because it involved saying no to people. I don't like saying no to people, especially people that need help.

However it has been really neat to see how all the areas of concern I had were taken care of by God. Conversations I was anxious about were either brought up by the other person or viewed as no big deal. God had already been working on their hearts.

Areas that I was serving in, and didn't want to stop or give up but were going to be a strain on my family cut their time requirements in half.

God is good, I am thankful that he is helping make it possible for me to be a great mom and take care of my home and family and serve him well.

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