Sunday, May 31, 2009

I love how only the God of creation could write something so brilliant that it could touch and move anyone that reads it in a way that is unique to their heart.

I am currently amazed at this in how I get to relate the bible to Josh. We're in full fledged boy mode here at the Kelly's. I get shot on a daily basis, and bad guys are always being fought or chased.

Usually Chris and I tag team on bed times, he takes Josh and I handle Jack. With him out of town last week and this, I've been doing double duty. It's really nice to be able to get that time with Josh again though, I forgot how much I missed it.

Anyhow, since I have been putting him down, and I don't know Charlie stories (awhile back Chris started randomly making up stories about this guy named Charlie and his friends Jimmy, Ricky Bobby, and some other crazy names, there is a running story line of which I have not been apprised of it's developments) every night he asks me for a "God story".

What I love is that in the phase of his life right now, I can pick one of several dozen stories off the top of my head that can relate to him where he is at, and better yet, get him excited about God and what he does. His favorite is David (throwing a rock at a bad guy, please, no contest!), but he also is attentive to anything with bad guys, fighting, or soldiers. Lucky for me, that's like half the bible. At least. Tonight I told him how cool God is that he can take someone who is a bad guy, and make him good. I used the story of Saul/Paul to illustrate this (again, anything with rock throwing goes along way with a 4 yr old boy!).

I am enchanted with the fact that the same book that for years has romanced me and told me I was beautiful, showed me love in a thousand different forms, and is the ultimate love story, is the same book that is teaching my boy what it means to be a man, what a real fight looks like, what true strength is, and how to be a leader.

I am in awe of this books power and greatness, and the God, MY God, who wrote it.


renee said...

thank you katie kelly. i really needed to be reminded...I am enchanted with the fact that the same book that for years has romanced me and told me I was beautiful, showed me love in a thousand different forms, and is the ultimate love story, is the same book that is teaching my boy what it means to be a man, what a real fight looks like, what true strength is, and how to be a leader.
what an amazing God we have!

Kristin Eldridge said...

I love it. I think that's awesome.

Kristin Eldridge said...

You know what I thought just thought of, and maybe Josh might already have them, the armor of God; like the sword of the spirit, breastplate of righteousness, etc. The bookstore would have them.

Katie said...

Glad you were encouraged by my ramblings Renee!

Kristin- you are brilliant! What a great idea!!! Hopefully Toys R Us carries that! You are going to be a great mom to boys!