Thursday, April 9, 2009

Nothing too crazy for dinner tonight. Just chicken terriyaki burgers with french fries by Alexia's, and salad. If you haven't heard of Alexia's you should check them out. Regular grocery stores are carrying them now in the frozen foods section, or by the organic foods area frozen section if they have one.

The company makes everything from hash browns to biscuits. I used to make homemade biscuits until I found theirs (hydrogenated oil free and taste like homemade!). Her french rolls are also something Chris begs me to get more of. They also have a variety of french fries: wedges, sweet potato, waffle... and they are all great and easy to make. I HIGHLY recommend them.

But the real reason I bothered to blog about dinner was because of our salad. I wanted to try something new, and it did not disappoint. In fact I wanted to keep eating it and not think about the rest of the meal. I think I am going to make this a permanent lunch fixture. Y'all should give it a try! It's a spinach salad, but don't let that throw you, it's unlike any other spinach salad I've had. I'm almost hungry again just thinking about it. I wish I had gotten more spinach at the store today...

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