Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Today I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. Wednesdays are kind of a long day, I have bible study in the morning, and youth group at night. It wouldn't be that long if that was all.

But I have a problem.

I try to do it ALL. Not just try, but I want to do it all, and I get upset at myself when I can't.

I want to spend hours going over the info for small group tonight, look in commentaries, find out the Greek word definition that gives the verse a whole new depth, cross reference verses... I want to be able to open the magic that is the word of God for these girls, and give them cupcakes at the same time.

But I can't. Well, I can, but at the cost of my being in a good mood when I see them, my family having dinner for tonight, and my children getting any attention.

One of the many lessons of adulthood: everything costs something.

Committing to bring snacks for bible study means an hour that I don't get to do something, be with the kids, my husband, clean the house, get dinner done. Something somewhere always has to give. And it's frustrating.

That is definitely one of the treasures of singleness that I wish that I had treasured more. There was not a cost on my time. If I committed to something, it only took away from time that I wasn't really doing anything.

I don't even have time to expound on my thoughts. I just took 10 minutes away from children to write this. Argh!

Last nights dinner: chicken enchiladas
Tonight: spaghetti (did I mention that I don't have time, this is my shortcut meal! does it count that I make my own sauce?)

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