Thursday, November 5, 2009

Somehow, and I do mean somehow, because I am really not sure how it happened... I (or we) are leading every ministry project we are a part of this week.

My Beth Moore bible study, my small group at youth, our Compassion Leadership Team and our adult small group (which our youth pastor usually leads). And I'm having a get together with all the girls from my youth small group, have two big cupcake orders and our adult small group is at our house and I'm cooking dinner for the 20+ people that will be showing up.

When will I learn??? This week really was a fluke though, or lack of me paying attention to the schedule, but either way, I really didn't realize how crazy things would be.

Lesson learned, I don't like leading and being in charge of this many things. It's way too much, and I can't really give what I need to the people or group that needs it most.

It confirmed some big changes to the schedule I was thinking about making for next semester. I swear I keep trying to simplify. It's not easy. At least not for me.

I AM prioritizing. Starting NEXT week.

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