Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'm so making this Ginger Steak Salad for dinner sometime next week: It looks so good! There are also some great recipes in this months issue of Bon Appetite, if you roll like that. Pick on out, or look for the either on their website or

This post is going to be so completely random, but that is me, so deal with it.

I'm sore. And I like it! I like exercising, but between gym membership fees, children, and a bijillion other excuses, it wasn't happening for me. So I got a Wii Fit. And I LOVE IT!!! I don't have to pack up the kids, I can do it for just ten minutes and then stop to go change a baby or feed a child, or whatever need they feel they cannot live without at that moment. Most of the time Josh will even do it with me. I love that the more I work out the more exercises I open, so I'm not just doing the same thing all the time. It's fun, and you REALLY get a work out (if you try to), and best of all you have a trainer that shows you how to do everything so you get the most from it. I'm so happy with this purchase, and it's perfect for the place that I am in life right now. It's still exercising, and it still requires discipline, but the hardest part for me was the money and what to do with my kids, not those.

I also really like home warranty plans. So far we have gotten our bottom level air conditioning repaired, both units serviced, and as of next week will be getting a brand new toilet. It's nice to have things fixed, and not have to pay for it, or do it (although Chris put in a lot of work trying to fix the toilet). Hooray for making the sellers pay for that.

I like it when Josh is sick. That sounds weird, let me explain. Not really sick, but just not up to full energy. He is SO much more easy to handle during those points, and he's sweeter and will snuggle with me lots and love on me. This does not happen during healthy periods. As much as sickness is a pain, it's kind of a blessing too!

I just made my own baby wipes yesterday, and saved a bunch of money. I think I may like them better than the kind I buy too. Who knew you could do this? I learned you can make your own laundry detergent super easy also. I think I may look into a lot of this type of stuff, it's saving money AND being more eco-friendly! Who doesn't love a win-win?

Okay randomness over.

1 comment:

renee said...

very interesting! teach me yoda!!!