Monday, August 3, 2009

I just got offered the possibility of pretty much my dream "job" (because it involves work, but I don't get paid for it) but I am not sure I can take it.

I have this problem of being passionate about a lot of things and not being able to do them all at once. At least not well.

I want to be able to make some extra money by baking cupcakes, be a great mom, lead my small group of high school girls and be there for them when they need me, be a great wife, keep my house fairly clean, have a healthy good meal on the table every night, and be involved in my bible study and attend a small group.

I really wish I could do it all. If it weren't for the whole house and meal thing, I think it would be close call.

So do I say yes because I really want to do it, and think it would be awesome to do it, or do I wait and pray for better timing. Sigh. Such big decisions accompany adulthood. Sometimes my brain hurts from so many of them.

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