I leave on Monday for camp. Youth camp that is. I'm going as a leader. I also just found out they made me bus captain. Bus captain? I wasn't scared but between that and the dress up nights I found out they have (luau, movie night, and 70's???) I'm feeling a little intimidated.
I'm super excited though, I just hope that in a short amount of time I'll be able to get a good read on the girls I have (most of my regulars aren't coming) and know how best to interact with them.
I come back from camp on Friday, and then Chris and I turn right around and head to Savannah to celebrate our 5 year anniversary.
Five years. It seems like no time at all. We also have never, in five years, taken a trip just the two of us. Okay, well there was one time we went to a wedding in KC, but it was for one night, and I was 8 months pregnant, March madness finals were on and a bunch of his guy friends were there too. It just wasn't that kind of trip.
It's also the first time we've really got to celebrate our anniversary. We're always having babies or moving. So it's kind of a big deal all around.
I like celebrating our anniversary. It's just an excuse to remind myself again why I'm a very blessed girl. My husband, is pretty much amazing. I know every girls says that, but mine really is.
I have never met another guy more worthy of respect than my husband. Okay, maybe Mr. Hillis, but I think Chris is a lot like him, so it's kind of the same thing. He's just so solid. I know that sounds odd, but I continue to be in awe of his unwavering rock solid views on life. He doesn't ever seem to question if something is right or wrong, he just knows what is right and does it. This goes across the board at church, social gatherings, and work. He doesn't have one face for one group and another for someone else.
His work ethic is beyond anything I've ever seen, he gives 110% all the time. He never slacks on doing a good job, and he has called in sick maybe once or twice in 5 years of working there. He's courteous to everyone and doesn't get sucked into office drama or politics. He helps his co-workers out when they are behind, and when they come to him for questions takes time out of his busy schedule to answer and help them.
This applies at home and church too, whether it be helping around the house (we actually have fights about him wanting to clean) leading our small group, or being a dad. He is always giving himself away to people, and helping to serve them.
He's kind and generous, has a strong moral standard, but isn't a stick in the mud. Somehow he manages to be everything to everyone without compromising any of himself.
Some people think he is quiet when they first meet him which seems so odd to me. I think that it's the fact that he isn't going to run his mouth about nothing. If he has something to say, he'll say it, but he's not going to jump in with a bunch of people and talk just to talk. He's thoughtful and intentional about what he says. And hilarious. There is no one that can make me laugh as much as he can. If you know him well, you know what I'm talking about, no further explanation needed.
Most importantly he is a servant leader. Everywhere, but mainly in our house. I haven't had the best of luck with male authority figures in my life, but there has never been one ounce of fear regarding his leadership of me and our family with him. If there is an area he realizes he hasn't been the greatest in, he doesn't hesitate to apologize.
He's an amazing husband, father (it's kind of ridiculous how much our kids adore their daddy), friend, leader... the list could go on forever.
If there is ever a time where I'm being less than grateful all God has to do is remind me of who I married, and what He gave me. That alone is prompt to worship and praise His faithfulness, goodness, and most importantly mercy.
The very first time I met Chris I told God I wanted to marry a guy like that. I just never imagined I would actually get to marry that guy!

Happy early Anniversary!
I'm excited you get to go on a trip with your husband and no little ones.
Take lots of pictures.
happy early anniversary, katie. you truly are a blessed girl. i can only hope to be that lucky.
Did you take your kids on the camp trip?
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